We are here to help in any way we can from looking up medications to educating members, call us at (844) 563-2863, Ext. 2.
Every month Americans overspend on their medications and have no idea how much money is being wasted in their medicine cabinet. Let our pharmacy team look up your medications and show you how much you could be saving.
Drug Search Portal
Use this portal to search the medication you need at $0 Cost.
Acute (Immediate Need) Meds
Use a prescription card to pick up these medications at no cost, for up to a 21-day supply at over 64,000 pharmacies nationwide.
Maintenance (Chronic Need) Meds
3 month (90 Day) supply of these medications will be shipped by The United States Post Office to your home for no cost.
Diabetes Program
With your membership, you can get a meter, testing strips, a lancing device, lancets, a control solution, and medications at no cost.
Over The Counter Meds
Save money on the medications like Allegra, Ibuprofen, Tylenol, and many others. Once ordered, we will deliver them right to your door!